The drupal-radix-cli

The helper npm package to maintain your Radix components

Now that we learned how a component works in a theme in Drupal, let's make our lives easier with a handy little npm package called: drupal-radix-cli

You can check the GitHub repository to learn more about it but in short, Radix Drupal CLI is an interactive prompt designed to manage Drupal Radix 6 components. It allows for easy listing, adding and generating of components to your Drupal theme, leveraging the power of the Radix base theme components.

Note: that this CLI uses your own local Radix theme as a source for components. If you want to add components from the latest version of Radix, you must first update your local Radix theme.


  • List Components: Display all available Radix components.

  • Add Components: Add Radix components to your theme, automatically replacing any existing ones.

  • Generate Components: Generate a new component folder with all the necessary files.


Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system. Install the CLI tool within your subtheme or globally via npm:

npm install drupal-radix-cli

Note: You may also install the package globally: npm install -g drupal-radix-cli


Once installed, you can use the CLI tool with the following commands:

List Components

To list all Radix components available in the default directory:

drupal-radix-cli list

Add Components

To add a Radix component to your current theme:

drupal-radix-cli add

Use the --radix-path flag to specify a custom Radix components directory if your Radix base theme is installed in a non-standard location:

drupal-radix-cli add --radix-path ../../radix/components

Generate Components

To generate a clean new component folder within your subtheme components directory:

drupal-radix-cli generate

This will generate a new component folder with the following files:

  • [component-name]/[component-name].twig

  • [component-name]/[component-name].component.yml

  • [component-name]/[component-name].scss

  • [component-name]/_[component-name].js

  • [component-name]/

Make sure to remove any unwanted files and update your files accordingly.


Display usage instructions:

drupal-radix-cli --help

Or simply drupal-radix-cli.

Last updated